Week of Weird Constructions 2
This week I concentrated on the Raspberry Pi Pico Rust Hardware Abstraction Layer. I looked into the cortex-m-rtic crate for Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency, and also contributed more examples to the rp-pico - Board Support for the Raspberry Pi Pico.
RTIC and WS2812
While I was preparing the WS2812 Example last week for the Pico board, someone wondered if it was possible to use the ws2812-pio-rs crate by ithinuel in combination with cortex-m-rtic crate. And indeed, it was not.
The root of the problem was, that ws2812-pio-rs takes a CountDown
timer, which
takes a reference to the system Timer
. And then you want to store the Ws2812
instance eg. in Shared
. However, the Timer instance is also owned by Shared
so you can control alarms for timer driven tasks.
Self referential structures don't really work in Rust and are also a bad pattern.
So I decided to prepare a pull-request for the ws2812-pio-rs
ws2812-pio-rs Ws2812Direct Pull Request.
The change splits up the existing implementation and allow a Ws2812Direct
variant, that
does not require to own a CountDown
. This is roughly how the code looks now:
#[rtic::app(device = pico::hal::pac, peripherals = true)]
mod app {
// ...
use ws2812_pio::Ws2812Direct;
struct Shared {
timer: Timer,
alarm: hal::timer::Alarm0,
led: hal::gpio::Pin<hal::gpio::pin::bank0::Gpio25, hal::gpio::PushPullOutput>,
ws: Ws2812Direct<pico::hal::pac::PIO0, SM0, hal::gpio::pin::bank0::Gpio4>,
fn init(c: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local, init::Monotonics) {
let mut resets = c.device.RESETS;
let mut watchdog = Watchdog::new(c.device.WATCHDOG);
let clocks = init_clocks_and_plls(
// ...
let mut timer = Timer::new(c.device.TIMER, &mut resets);
let mut alarm = timer.alarm_0().unwrap();
// ...
let (mut pio, sm0, _, _, _) = c.device.PIO0.split(&mut resets);
let ws = Ws2812Direct::new(
&mut pio,
// Shared now owns the Ws2812Direct instance and you can
// use it from a timer task (see below).
(Shared { timer, alarm, led, ws }, Local {}, init::Monotonics())
binds = TIMER_IRQ_0,
priority = 1,
shared = [timer, alarm, ws],
local = [],
fn timer_irq(mut c: timer_irq::Context) {
let clr : RGB8 = (255, 0, 255).into();
// Access the Shared data for the instance to the
// Ws2812Direct driver instance:
// ...
For a full example you can look at my rtic_ws2812_pio example.
SSD1306 Example
Next up I finally grabbed one of the SSD1306 OLED displays that I ordered many weeks ago:
First I thought I would have to research and develop the I²C protocol implementation myself, but I was lucky and found a ssd1306 OLED driver crate which implemented what I needed!
So I connected up the display to my Raspberry Pi Pico (yea, still an ASCII art diagram, maybe at some point in future I will do more with KiCAD again):
/------------\ /----------\
| GND \ / SDA |
_|USB|_ | /-----\ | | /--------+--\
|1 R 40| | / __|__|__|__|___ | |
|2 P 39| | / | ____________ | | |
|3 38|- GND --+-/ | |Hello worl| | | |
|4 P 37| | | |Hello Rust| | | |
|5 I 36|-+3.3V -/ | |counter: 1| | | |
|6 C | | | | | | |
|7 O | | """""""""""" | | |
| | """"""""""""""" | |
| | (SSD1306 128x64 OLED Display) | |
......... / /
| | / /
| 22|-GP17 I2C0 SCL---------------------/ /
|20 21|-GP16 I2C0 SDA-----------------------/
- (+) crossing lines, not connected
- (o) connected lines
So far so good, I also quickly researched how to format numbers in embedded Rust and came up with this (notice that I left it running for more than 11 hours to get up to 80000):
I wanted to explore more artistic stuff and took a simple drawing function I found on an old demo archive: flipcode - The Art of Demomaking - Per Pixel Control
// Adapted from The Art of Demomaking by Alex Champandard:
fn draw_grayscale_image(out: &mut [f32; 64 * 128]) {
let sin = pico::hal::rom_data::float_funcs::fsin();
let cos = pico::hal::rom_data::float_funcs::fcos();
for x in 0..128 {
for y in 0..64 {
let xf = x as f32;
let yf = y as f32;
let sf = 0.2; // scale factor
let r = 64.0
+ 63.0
* sin(xf / (sf * (37.0 + 15.0 * cos(yf / (sf * 74.0)))))
* cos(yf / (sf * (31.0 + 11.0 * sin(xf / (sf * 57.0)))));
out[x + y * 128] = r;
And then made an animation over the threshold:
I also wrote an example for the rp-pico board in the rp-hal repository, which already was merged in:
If you search for a full piece of code for the animation above, it remained in my own private repository:
Bugfix rp-hal Alarm Schedule
While chatting with the nice folks on the #rp-rs:matrix.org channel,
Mathias noticed that there was a race condition in the current alarm implementation
for the Timers
I quickly made a patch and submitted a PR to rp-hal:
Big thanks to VictorKoenders on GitHub for adding the Timer alarms methods in the first place!
MakerGrid - 3D Printing For Modular Electronics Prototype Setups
Usually my test setups/prototypes/experiments don't fit on just one breadboard. They usually either span multiple breadboards (that are incompatible/don't fit) or are separate modules. So I came up with screwing things down into a piece of wood, which usually looks rather ugly and is not really modular or satisfying:
Last week I had an idea after watching a video about 3D Printing Professor's PrintABloks:
I wanted something similar, but with less directed towards toys, and more towards makers/electronics tinkerers like myself. And last Friday I came up with the 3D Printed MakerGrid! After a weekend full of printing and designing in Blender I had these prototypes:
After researching more, I also found that the PrintABlok system is rather finicky with the rather small clips as interconnection:
If you are interested, visit the project page: