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HexoDSP DSP nodes and DSP code

How to Add a New DSP Node

When adding a new node to HexoDSP, I recommend working through the following checklist:

  • Implement boilerplate in node_yourname.rs
  • Add input parameter and output signal definition to dsp/mod.rs
  • Document boilerplate in node_yourname.rs
  • DSP implementation
  • Parameter fine tuning
  • DSP tests for all (relevant) params
  • Ensure Documentation is properly formatted for the GUI
  • Format the source using cargo fmt
  • Add CHANGELOG.md entry in HexoSynth
  • Add CHANGELOG.md entry in HexoDSP
  • Add table entry in README.md in HexoSynth
  • Add table entry in README.md in HexoDSP

The boilerplate can be a bit daunting. But it pays off, because HexoSynth will give you a GUI for your DSP code for free at the end.

Generally I recommend starting out small. Define your new node with minimal parameters until you get the hang of all the things involved to make it compile in the first place.

Be aware that new DSP nodes need to meet these quality guidelines to be included:

  • Clean Rust code that I can understand and maintain. You can use cargo fmt (rustfmt) to format the code.
  • Does not drag in huge dependency trees. One rationale here is, that I don’t want the sound of a HexoSynth patch to change (significantly) because some upstream crate decided to change their DSP code. To have optimal control over this, I would love to have all the DSP code contained in HexoDSP. Make sure to link the repository the code comes from though. If you add dependencies for your DSP node, make sure that it’s characteristics are properly covered by the automated tests. So that problems become visible in case upstream breaks or changes it’s DSP code. If DSP code changes just slightly, the test cases of course need to be changed accordingly.
  • Come with automated smoke tests like all the other nodes, most test signal min/max/rms over time, as well as the frequency spectrum where applicable.
  • It’s parameters have proper denormalized mappings, like 0.5 => 4000 Hz or 0.3 => 200ms.
  • Provide short descriptions for the node and it’s parameters.
  • Provide a comprehensive longer help text with (more details further down in this guide):
    • What this node is about
    • How to use it
    • How the parameters work in combination
    • Suggestions which combinations with other nodes might be interesting
  • If applicable: provide a graph function for visualizing what it does.


  • I recommend copying an existing node code, like node_ad.rs for instance.
  • In this file mod.rs copy it’s entry in the node_list macro definition.
  • Copy the tests/node_ad.rs file to have a starting point for the automated testing. Also keep in mind looking in other tests, about how they test things. Commonly used macros are found in the ´tests/common/´ module.

A node_list macro entry looks like this:

    // node_id => node_label UIType UICategory
    //  |          |          /        |
    //  /   /------/         /         |
    // /    |               /          |
    xxx => Xxx UIType::Generic UICategory::Signal
     // node_param_idx
     //   name             denorm round format steps norm norm denorm
     //         norm_fun   fun    fun   fun    def   min  max  default
       (0 inp   n_id       d_id   r_id  f_def  stp_d -1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
       (1 gain  n_gain     d_gain r_gain f_db  stp_v  0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
       (2 att   n_id       d_id   r_id  f_def  stp_d  0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
     // node_param_idx      UI widget type (mode, knob, sample)
     // | atom_idx          |     format fun
     // | | name constructor|     |     min max
     // | | |    |       def|ult_v|lue  |  /
     // | | |    |       |  |     |     |  |
       {3 0 mono setting(0) mode fa_out_mono 0  1},
       [0 sig],

The first entries, encapsulated in ´( )´ are the input ports or also called input parameters. Input parameters can be connected to outputs of other DSP nodes. In contrast to the ´{ }´ encapsulated so called Atom parameters. The data type for these is the SAtom datatype. And these parameters can not be automated.

You can freely choose parameter names like eg. inp or gain and pick names that suit the parameter semantics best. But I would like you to keep the naming consistent with the rest of HexoDSP nodes if that is suitable to the DSP node.

There are some implicit conventions in HexoDSP for naming though:

  • inp for single channel signal input
  • ch1, ch2, … for multiple channels
  • sig for signal output
  • trig for receiving a single trigger signal
  • t_* if multiple trigger signals are expected
  • If you have freq inputs, consider also adding det for detuning that frequency input. But only if you think this makes sense in the context of the DSP node.

The macros in the node list definition like n_gain, d_pit, r_fq and so on are all macros that are defined in the HexoDSP crate. You can create your own normalization/denormalization, rounding, step and formatting function macros if the existing ones don’t suit the DSP node’s needs.

Signal Ranges in HexoDSP

The HexoDSP graph, or rather the nodes, operate with the raw normalized (audio) signal range [-1, 1]. There is a second range that is also common in HexoDSP, which is the control signal range [0, 1]. Following this convention will help combinding HexoDSP nodes with each other. The existing normalization/denormalization functions for the node list declaration already encode most of the conventions in HexoDSP, but here is a short incomplete overview of common value mappings to the normalized signal ranges:

  • Frequencies are usually using the n_pit and d_pit mappings. Where 0.0 is 440Hz and the next octave is at 0.1 with 880Hz and the octave before that is at -0.1 with 220Hz. This means one octave per 0.1 signal value.
  • Triggers have to rise above the “high” threshold of 0.5 to be recognized, and the signal has to fall below 0.25 to be detected as “low” again. Same works for gates.

Node Documentation

Attention: Defining the documentation for your DSP node is not optional. It’s required to make it compile in the first place!

Every DSP node must come with online documentation. The online documentation is what makes the node usable in the first place. It’s the only hint for the user to learn how to use this node. Keep in mind that the user is not an engineer, but usually a musician. They want to make music and know how to use a parameter.

Every input parameter and atom parameter requires you to define a documenation entry in the corresponding ´node_*.rs´ module/file. And also a DESC and HELP entry.

Here an example from ´node_ad.rs´:

    pub const inp: &'static str =
        "Signal input. If you don't connect this, and set this to **1.0** \
        this will act as envelope signal generator. But you can also just \
        route a signal directly through this of course.";

Keep the description of the parameter short and concise. Look at the space available in HexoSynth where this is displayed. If you want to write more elaborate documentation for a paramter, write it in the HELP entry.

Next you need to document the node itself, how it works what it does and so on… For this there are two entries:

        pub const DESC: &'static str = r#"### `Ad` Attack-Decay Envelope

    This is a simple envelope offering an attack time and decay time with a shape parameter.
    You can use it as envelope generator to modulate other inputs or process a signal with it directly.

        pub const HELP: &'static str = r#"## `Ad` Attack-Decay Envelope

    This simple two stage envelope with attack and decay offers shape parameters

DESC should only contain a short description of the node. It’s space is as limited as the space for the parameter description. It will be autowrapped. It should start by convention with the written out (but short) purpose title of the node.

HELP can be a multiple pages long detailed description of the node. Keep the width of the lines below a certain limit (below 80 usually). Or else it will be truncated in the help text window in HexoSynth. The HELP should by convention with a written out purpose title of the node.

As inspiration what should be in the help documentation:

  • What the node does (even if it repeats mostly what DESC already says)
  • How the input parameters relate to each other.
  • What the different atom settings (if any) mean.
  • Which other DSP nodes this node is commonly combined with.
  • Interesting or even uncommon uses of this DSP node.
  • Try to inspire the user to experiment.

More conventions for the documentation:

  • *emphasis* - use this to emphasize some text.
  • `Node` - use back ticks to highlight node names.
  • **Value** - use ‘**’ to highlight values.
  • ~~Port~~ - use ‘~~’ to highlight input ports/parameters.

Node Code Structure

For non trivial DSP nodes, the DSP code itself should be separate from it’s dsp/node_*.rs file. That file should only care about interfacing the DSP code with HexoDSP, but not implement all the complicated DSP code. It’s good practice to factor out the DSP code into a separate module or file. It is preferable to add your custom DSP code to the synfx-dsp crate synfx-dsp.

Look at node_tslfo.rs for instance. It wires up the TriSawLFO from synfx-dsp to the HexoDSP node interface.

    // node_tslfo.rs
    use synfx_dsp::{TriSawLFO, Trigger};

    #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
    pub struct TsLFO {
        lfo: Box<TriSawLFO<f64>>,
        trig: Trigger,

    // ...
    impl DspNode for TsLFO {
        // ...
        fn process<T: NodeAudioContext>(&mut self, /* ... */) {
            // ...
            let lfo = &mut *self.lfo;

            for frame in 0..ctx.nframes() {
                // ...
                out.write(frame, lfo.next_unipolar() as f32);

            // ...

The code for TriSawLFO in synfx-dsp is then independent and reusable else where.

Node Parameter/Inputs

When implementing your node, you want to access the parameters or inputs of your DSP node. This is done using the buffer access modules in dsp/mod.rs that are defined using the node_list macro. Let me give you a short overview using node_sin.rs as an example:

    fn process<T: NodeAudioContext>(
        &mut self,
        ctx: &mut T, // DSP execution context holding the DSP graph input and output buffers.
        _ectx: &mut NodeExecContext, // For providing access to external MIDI events and parameters from the DAW
        _nctx: &NodeContext, // Holds context info about the node, for instance which ports
                             // are connected.
        _atoms: &[SAtom],    // An array holding the Atom parameters
        inputs: &[ProcBuf],  // An array holding the input parameter buffers, containing
                             // either outputs from other DSP nodes or smoothed parameter
                             // settings from the GUI/frontend.
        outputs: &mut [ProcBuf], // An array holding the output buffers.
        ctx_vals: LedPhaseVals,  // Values for visual aids in the GUI (the hextile LED)
    ) {
        use crate::dsp::{denorm_offs, inp, out};

        let o = out::Sin::sig(outputs);
        let freq = inp::Sin::freq(inputs);
        let det = inp::Sin::det(inputs);
        let isr = 1.0 / self.srate;

        let mut last_val = 0.0;
        for frame in 0..ctx.nframes() {
            let freq = denorm_offs::Sampl::freq(freq, det.read(frame), frame);
            // ...
        // ...

There are three buffer/parameter function access modules loaded in this example:

    use crate::dsp::{denorm_offs, inp, out};

inp holds a sub module for each of the available nodes. That means: inp::Sin, inp::Ad, … Those submodules each have a function that returns the corresponding buffer from the inputs vector of buffers. That means inp::Sin::det(inputs) gives you a reference to a ProcBuf you can read the normalized signal inputs (range -1 to 1) from.

It works similarly with out::Sin::sig, which provides you with a ProcBuf reference to write your output to.

denorm_offs is a special module, that offers you functions to access the denormalized value of a specific input parameter with a modulation offset.

Commonly you want to use the denorm module to access the denormalized values. That means values in human understandable form and that can be used in your DSP arithmetics more easily. For instance denorm::TsLFO::time from node_tslfo.rs:

        use crate::dsp::{denorm, inp, out};

        let time = inp::TsLFO::time(inputs);
        for frame in 0..ctx.nframes() {
            let time_ms = denorm::TsLFO::time(time, frame).clamp(0.1, 300000.0);
            // ...

denorm::TsLFO::time is a function that takes the ProcBuf with the raw normalized input signal samples and returns the denormalized values in milliseconds for a specific frame.

To get a hang of all the possibilities I suggest diving a bit into the other node source code a bit.

Node Beautification

To make nodes responsive in HexoSynth the DspNode::process function receives the LedPhaseVals. These should be written after the inner loop that calculates the samples. The first context value is the LED value, it should be in the range between -1 and 1. The most easy way to set it is by using the last written sample from your loop:

        ctx_vals[0].set(out.read(ctx.nframes() - 1));

But consider giving it a more meaningful value if possible. The node_ad.rs sets the LED value to the internal phase value of the envelope instead of it’s output.

The second value in LedPhaseVals is the Phase value. It usually has special meaning for the node specific visualizations. Such as TSeq emits the position of the playhead for instance. The CQnt quantizer emits the most recently activated key to the GUI using the Phase value.

Consider also providing a visualization graph if possible. You can look eg at node_ad.rs or node_tslfo.rs or many others how to provide a visualization graph function:

    impl TsLFO {
        pub fn graph_fun() -> Option<GraphFun> {
            Some(Box::new(|gd: &dyn GraphAtomData, _init: bool, x: f32, xn: f32| -> f32 {
                // ...

Let me explain the callback function parameters quickly:

  • gd: &dyn GraphAtomData this trait object gives you access to the input paramters of this node. And also the LED and Phase values.
  • init: bool allows you to detect when the first sample of the graph is being drawn/requested. You can use this to reset any state that is carried with the callback.
  • x: f32 is the current X position of the graph. Use this to derive the Y value which must be returned from the callback.
  • xn: f32 is the next value for X. This is useful for determining if your function might reaches a min or max between x and xn, so you could for instance return the min or max value now instead of the next sample.

Automated Testing of Your Node

First lets discuss shortly why automated tests are necessary. HexoDSP has an automated test suite to check if any changes on the internal DSP helpers break something. Or if some changes on some DSP node accidentally broke something. Or if a platform behaves weirdly. Or even if upstream crates that are included broke or changed something essential.

A few things you can test your DSP code for:

  • Is non 0.0 signal emitted?
  • Is the signal inside the -1..1 or 0..1 range?
  • Does the signal level change in expected ways if the input parameters are changed?
  • Does the frequency spectrum peak at expected points in the FFT output?
  • Does the frequency spectrum change to expected points in the FFT output when an input parameter changed?

Try to nail down the characteristics of your DSP node with a few tests as well as possible.

For the FFT and other tests there are helper functions in tests/common/mod.rs

The start of your tests/node_*.rs file usually should look like this:

    mod common;
    use common::*;

    fn check_node_ad_1() {
        let (node_conf, mut node_exec) = new_node_engine();
        let mut matrix = Matrix::new(node_conf, 3, 3);

        let mut chain = MatrixCellChain::new(CellDir::B);
        chain.node_out("ad", "sig")
            .node_inp("out", "ch1")
            .place(&mut matrix, 0, 0).unwrap();

        let ad = NodeId::Ad(0);
        // ...

Lets dissect this a bit. The beginning of each test case should setup an instance of the DSP engine of HexoDSP using crate::new_node_engine. It returns a crate::NodeConfigurator and a crate::NodeExecutor. The first is responsible for setting up the DSP graph and modifying it at runtime. The latter (crate::NodeExecutor) is responsible for executing the DSP graph and generate output samples.

        let (node_conf, mut node_exec) = new_node_engine();

The crate::Matrix abstraction encapsulates the configurator and provides you an interface to layout the nodes in a hexagonal grid. It is currently the easiest API for using HexoDSP. The two parameters to new are the width and height of the hex grid.

        let mut matrix = Matrix::new(node_conf, 3, 3);

Next step is to create a DSP chain of nodes and place that onto the hexagonal matrix. Luckily a simpler API has been created with the crate::MatrixCellChain, that lets you build DSP chains on the fly using only names of the nodes and the corresponding input/output ports:

        // Create a new cell chain that points in to the given direction (CellDir::B => to bottom).
        let mut chain = MatrixCellChain::new(CellDir::B);
        chain.node_out("ad", "sig") // Add a Node::Ad(0) cell, with the "sig" output set
            .node_inp("out", "ch1") // Add a Node::Out(0) cell, with the "ch1" input set
            .place(&mut matrix, 0, 0).unwrap();

After placing the new cells, we need to synchronize it with the audio backend:


The sync is necessary to update the DSP graph.

Next you usually want to define short variable names for the NodeId that refer to the DSP node instances:

        let ad = NodeId::Ad(0);

The NodeId interface offers you functions to get the input parameter index from a name like out.inp("ch1") or the output port index from a name: ad.out("sig"). You can have multiple instances for a node. The number in the parenthesis are the instance index of that node.

After you have setup everything for the test, you usually want to modify a paramter and look at the values the graph returns.

    fn check_node_ad_1() {
        // ...
        // matrix setup code above
        // ...

        let ad = NodeId::Ad(0);

        // Fetch parameter id:
        let trig_p = ad.inp_param("trig").unwrap();

        // Set parameter:
        matrix.set_param(trig_p, SAtom::param(1.0));

        /// Run the DSP graph for 25 milliseconds of audio.
        let res = run_for_ms(&mut node_exec, 25.0);

        // `res` now contains two vectors. one for first channel "ch1"
        // and one for the second channel "ch2".
            // ....

Attention: This is important to keep in mind: After using matrix.set_param(...) to set a paramter, keep in mind that the parameter values will be smoothed. That means it will take a few milliseconds until trig_p reaches the 1.0. In case of the Ad node that means the trigger threshold won’t be triggered at the first sample, but a few milliseconds later!



d_declick 🔒
d_det 🔒
d_driv 🔒
d_env 🔒
d_ftme 🔒
d_gain 🔒
d_id 🔒
d_lfot 🔒
d_time 🔒
d_timz 🔒
d_vol 🔒
d_vps 🔒
define_db 🔒
define_exp 🔒
define_lin 🔒
f_db 🔒
f_def 🔒
f_deflp 🔒
f_defvlp 🔒
f_det 🔒
f_freq 🔒
f_lfoms 🔒
f_lfot 🔒
f_ms 🔒
n_declick 🔒
n_det 🔒
n_driv 🔒
n_env 🔒
n_ftme 🔒
n_gain 🔒
n_id 🔒
n_lfot 🔒
n_time 🔒
n_timz 🔒
n_vol 🔒
n_vps 🔒
r_dc_ms 🔒
The rounding function for milliseconds knobs
r_det 🔒
The rounding function for detune UI knobs
r_driv 🔒
r_ems 🔒
The rounding function for milliseconds knobs
r_fms 🔒
The rounding function for milliseconds knobs
r_fq 🔒
The rounding function for freq knobs (n_pit / d_pit)
r_gain 🔒
r_id 🔒
r_lfot 🔒
The rounding function for LFO time knobs
r_s 🔒
The rounding function for -1 to 1 signal knobs
r_tms 🔒
The rounding function for milliseconds knobs
r_tmz 🔒
The rounding function for milliseconds knobs that also have a 0.0 setting
r_vol 🔒
r_vps 🔒
The rounding function for vs (v scale) UI knobs
stp_d 🔒
The default steps function:
stp_f 🔒
The UI steps to control parameters with a very fine fine control:
stp_m 🔒
The UI steps to control parameters with a finer fine control:
stp_v 🔒
The UI steps to control parameters with a very fine fine control (including default):


A context structure for supporting the DynamicNode1x1::process function.
A warpper type for DspNode trait objects.
A context structure that holds temporary information about the currently executed node. This structure is created by the crate::nodes::NodeExecutor on the fly.
Holds information about the node type that was allocated. It stores the names of inputs, output and atoms for uniform access.
Refers to an input paramter or atom of a specific Node referred to by a NodeId.
A processing buffer with the exact right maximum size. This is an unsafe abstraction, and should be used with a lot of care. You will have to manually free the buffer, and take care if you make copies of these.


This enum is a collection of all implemented modules (aka nodes) that are implemented. The associated u8 index is the so called instance of the corresponding Node type.



This trait represents a DspNode for the crate::matrix::Matrix
This trait allows you to write custom HexoDSP nodes in Rust and provide them at runtime using [crate::NodeConfigurator::set_dynamic_node1x1] or crate::SynthConstructor::set_dynamic_node1x1.
This trait is an interface between the graph functions and the AtomDataModel of the UI.


Type Definitions