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Provides a high level API to the HexoDSP synthesizer engine.

This module provides you with a simple high level API to build DSP graphs and upload them to an audio thread. With crate::build you also get a simple compile time checked way to construct DSP graphs to upload via SynthConstructor::upload.

use hexodsp::SynthConstructor;
use hexodsp::NodeExecutor;
use hexodsp::build::*;

let mut sc = SynthConstructor::new();


let oscillator = bosc(0).set().freq(330.0);
let graph = out(0).set().vol(0.2).input().ch1(&oscillator.output().sig());

// start some frontend loop here, or some GUI or whatever you like....

// Later at runtime you might want to change the oscillator
// frequency from the frontend:

fn spawn_audio_thread(exec: NodeExecutor) {
    // Some loop here that interfaces with [NodeExecutor::process] and regularily
    // calls [NodeExecutor::process_graph_updates].

See also SynthConstructor::new and crate::build.


NodeConfig 🔒
A convenient highlevel API to HexoDSP for building custom synthesizers from HexoDSP nodes.


Returned by SynthConstructor if some error occured while updating the graph or changing paramters.